I swear fat people gravitate toward me

I don’t know what it is.  Maybe god id punishing me for talking about fat people on SUBWAYblogger.

Lord knows the haters start bashing away in the comments every time I bring up the subject.

So before I get into the point of this post, let me say a few things for the record

  1. No, I don’t hate fat people.  I just think that they need to recognize that they are fat and that other people shouldn’t have to be impacted by someone else’s girth.
  2. I’m not insensitive.  I just tell it the way it is.  Sugar coating is for babies.
  3. I know…just because your fat doesn’t mean you a bad person.  I get it, and I agree.  So just relax.

I know some of you won’t be able to help yourselves.  You’ll need to rail on me in the comments.  Have at it.  You know I never censor the comments.Read More »