Where’s the icy stairs whe you need them?

The Kia Motors and NBA Tip Off Celebration Event in Union Square is this week.  They’re setting up a basketball court, have a DJ, yadda yadda.  There will be current and former players there too apparently.

It’s all coming up on October 28th.

A publicist for the event says, “To say the least, it-is-going-to-be-insane.”


Kia paying for this kind of publicity is definitely insane, that’s for sure.

More Craziness: Three Separate People Run Over by Trains

The natives are getting restless folks.  In 3 separate incidents, people found themselves under subway trains.

SUWBAYblogger assumes that they were suicide attempts unless other information is available.  Why?  Isn’t that cold?  Well maybe, but there’s good reason.

The media would report if someone were pushed onto the tracks.  That would be a big story.  If someone had a heart attack and fell accidentally, that would be reported too, but probably not as big.

Suicides, however, are very rarely reported (if ever) due to fear of the mentally unstable that my copy-cat the act.  So when people end up on the tracks, and then you never hear anything about it, it was probably a suicide.

Anyway, there was one incident this morning around 3:45AM at the Beverly Rd Q train station in Brooklyn.  Emergency workers arrived on the scene, but the person was already dead.

Then around 8:30AM, there was another jumper.  This time it was on the uptown 4 train platform at Union Square.  No word on that one, but going to assume there was a death there.

Then just a couple hours ago on the F line at Delancey Street, another person was “confirmed” to be pinned under a train.  The patient was removed in an unknown condition.

So yeah, it’s getting pretty crazy.  Next full moon, I’m just staying home.

Following an Earlier Incident…

“Following an earlier incident 2,3,4 and 5 train service has resumed with residual delays.”

They kept telling us there was a “track event” at 138th street.  I was stuck on a 4 train for 20 minutes between 59th and 86th st.  I had it good though, the car had A.C.  The people waiting at 86th were not happy.  It was hot and they were packed on that platform.  I can’t even imagine the chaos behind the backup at Grand Central and Union Square.

I love NYC in the summer time!

Check out Todd’s Blog at BlogNameRemoved