MTA: Here to help you get mugged

Check this bad boy out:


So if you already bought one of these…well…kill yourself.  OR just pull this thing out next time you are up in the Bronx.  Same out come.

9 thoughts on “MTA: Here to help you get mugged

  1. Ha ha, that’s pretty funny. But I disagree – I whip out my wallet all the time in the subway and have had no problem.


  2. I take wallet out before going into subway. Never a good idea to take wallet out in public anyway. Years ago carried large purse in subway, man opened it and ejaculated in it. I go to work and reach in for office keys and end up with sticky fingers covered in man goo.


  3. Theresa – Possibly the most disgusting thing I have ever heard. Thanks for that.
    Brian – Perhaps. Maybe a normal man’s wallet. Pull this bad boy out though, and you are screaming “Tourist here…please take advantage of me!” Also, is there a blatant plug for HSBC in this thing or is it me?


  4. oh my god how did a guy ejaculate in your purse and you didn’t notice until you got to your office and reached in for the keys!

    that has to be in the top 3 of gross subway stories


  5. It’s kind of odd that the woman with the unlucky sticky purse has a last name of Putanella. Is that a coincidence?


  6. The man goo story is the worst I have heard, only made more amusing by the last name Putanella!!! This is material for the Daily Show, for sure.


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