Thanks But No Thanks, Body Shop

There’s a new ad on the subway that I noticed today for The Body Shop.  I’d actually seen it a few times before but never really knew what was being sold.

For whatever reason, I looked more closely at it today.

It is a sign with flowers.  Chamomile to be exact. The product claims to help you sleep better and wake up more energized.  (Can you say fish oil?)

Turns out, it is a aromatherapy “pillow mist.”  I’m not making this shit up.

It is a spray that you are supposed to spritz on your pillow at night.  The magical scents are supposed to make you sleep better.  Unless it’s chloroform, I’m not buying it.

That one gets chalked up with Dr. Zizmore on the Bullshit Subway Ad Wall of Shame.

Ads Promoting Islam Coming to Subway Near You

Let the drama begin. Apparently this September, straphangers will see ads on the subway promoting Islam. (Oh nooo !!)

This is a sample of the ads expected to be run this September in the New York City Subway.
This is a sample of the ads expected to be run this September in the New York City Subway.

How can we protect our children from these ads that will surely turn them into terrorists instantly?

Unfortunately, that’s not an exaggeration if you ask many New Yorkers including some Congressmen.

“I have no problem with the ad itself, but I have a very, very real problem with those behind it,” Rep. Peter King, a New York Republican, said Tuesday. He is urging the Metropolitan Transit Authority to reject the ads. [CNN]

What didn’t make it into the text version of the story, but did make it in the live interview with Rep. King was when he said that he was especially appalled by the ads running at a time when America will be “…mourning the 7th anniversary of 9/11.”

The opposition was quick to point out that the campaign starts on Sept 15th, and that Rep. King should get his facts straight.  More importantly though, it shows that Rep. King is in fact more concerned with the fact that the ads promote Islam and Muslim beliefs.  So he does have a problem with the ads themselves.

Personally, SUBWAYblogger says who the hell cares?  The ads themselves are very mild (pictured above).  I probably wouldn’t even notice them.  Even if they were a little inflammatory, what’s the big deal?  It’s an ad on the subway.  Let them have their free speech.  To get it down to redneck logic, censoring the ad is exactly what the terrorists want America to do.

What do you think?


This should be an interesting topic of discussion.

Rep. King has sent a letter to the MTA demanding that the ads be kept from running.  That’s pretty rediculous.

Dear Rep. King,

Wake up and do something that really matters.  Here’s a few things if you’re out of ideas: Read More »

It’s the Time of the Year that Con Ed Tells us to Conserve

Well, it’s about that time of the year where Con Ed fully rolls out it’s annual tips for conserving energy.  This year, they’ve blessed us with 100 Tips (by number) for saving electricity.

By the looks of things, they may need us to conserve if their crews walk out on strike, but I digress.

So in these subway ads, they offer little nuggets of wisdom such as:

– Use your air conditioning less
– Don’t open the refrigerator as much
– Only wash your clothes in full loads
– Pay Con Ed using their eBill system (saves them some $$$ too)

    So yeah.  In case you score slightly below retarded intelligence, Con Ed has some genius for you.

    For the rest of us, some mind numbing ads to read when you forget your newspaper.